
Posts Tagged ‘Politicians’

Rangel takes heat for ‘disabled’ comment

In Ableism, Ableism Ethics and Governance and its intersection with Disability Ethics, Ableism in the media, ableist language on September 20, 2008 at 5:37 pm

now again more than questionable use of language
Interviewed by New York television station WCBS Friday evening, the powerful New York congressman was asked why Democrats appear “afraid” of Palin. “You got to be kind to the disabled,” Rangel, chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, responded in an answer the reporter interviewing him later called “astonishing.”

Shortly after the interview aired Friday night, Rangel issued a statement say his words were “misinterpreted.”

“Sometimes in the heat of a political campaign you choose words that can be misinterpreted,” he said. “Governor Palin is an obviously healthy person who in no way fits the description of disabled. I meant to say then, and I am saying now, that she entered the campaign with a disadvantage in the area of foreign policy.”

read here
My question: what fits the description of disabled? the deficient unable to be a president….?